The Motion

Text Version of Councillor Mason’s Motion

Item No. 15.4.2

Request for Council’s Consideration

Included on Agenda (Submitted to Municipal Clerk’s Office by Noon Thursday)

Date of Council Meeting: June 28, 2022
Subject: Replacement of 50m pool in HRM

Motion for Council to Consider:

  1. That Halifax Regional Council direct the CAO begin planning for replacement of Centennial Pool pending the outcome of a staff report which outlines:
  1. Process to undertake the development of a new 50-meter pool that meets Canada Games requirements for competitive swimming and diving and is consistent with the Long-Term Aquatic Study direction;
  2. Potential disposal of 1970 Gottingen Street pursuant to Administrative Order 50, Respecting the Disposal of Surplus Property, for Economic Development including recommendations to include an affordable housing component;
  3. Review of the prioritization of the Needham Community Centre to ensure continuity of municipal pool access on the peninsula; and
  4. Analysis of revenue sources including the pending application for the Needham Community Centre within the Green Inclusive Community Building Program, and other appropriate Federal and Provincial funding sources. 

Reason: Centennial Pool is nearing the end of its useful life. Programming and club-use has been impacted considerably, especially in the last 2 years with continued leaking of the pool. This motion provides for a halting of all new capital spending on the current pool while also reviewing options for the service to be provided in the interim as a more permanent solution is investigated. To recover aquatic service in the area, the motion proposes to prioritize the Needham Community Centre replacement. The motion also directs the CAO to formally outline the process to build a new 50-meter pool in HRM, with other partners as outlined in the Long-Term Aquatic Strategy.

Outcome Sought: A staff report to outline steps to explore replacement of Centennial Pool with a new 50-meter pool and advancement of the renewal of the Needham Community Centre.

Download the Halifax Regional Municipality PDF version of this motion; Item N. 15.4.2